If you have ever designed and built a new home, you know how time-consuming, unpredictable and challenging the undertaking can be. New Leaf Homes has worked tirelessly to streamline a flexible Personal Home Process that benefits you, the client. Our goal is to offer clear communication, design flexibility, process efficiency, broad product knowledge, strong partnerships with local and national vendors/trade contractors, competitive pricing and the ability to value-engineer construction choices. This all leads to tremendous QUALITY, VALUE and PREDICTABILITY for every client without bias to size and style of home.
Significant value propositions that you can compare:
New Leaf Homes understands that all lots are not equal. We will provide technical lot consultations as you evaluate the complexity and potential cost drivers for your current lot or a collection of lots that you may be interested in purchasing. These consultations are provided at no cost to you.
New Leaf Homes understands that personal Home Design is everything. Therefore, we offer total flexibility on how you arrive at your finished home plans. We welcome custom plans from any reputable Architectural firm that can understand and adhere to the governing Architectural Review Boards. We have our own portfolio of plans that have been favorites over the years. These can be selected and personalized with your design changes. We have an Architectural Designer on our team that can meet with you to discuss and create your own personal plan. We also have relationships with many talented Architectural firms that we can introduce you to. Whatever path you choose, we remain ready to serve your Home Design needs.
New Leaf Homes understands how complicated product selections can be. We partner with local, regional and national product vendors for access to complementary product showrooms that offer our clients endless choice. We can provide access to an Interior Designer that can help you create and execute the vision for your personal home. Designers will partner with you to evaluate, compare and select your personal interior and exterior product selections prior to beginning construction, as well as during the construction process.
New Leaf Homes understands that talking price can be confusing. We believe in clear communication, integrity and reasonable transparency when dealing with clients making significant home building decisions. New Leaf Homes will provide pricing commensurate with the information that is provided to us, by you the client. We have a process for preliminary ‘budget’ pricing as well as specific ‘contract’ pricing. We will work with you on a ‘Cost Plus’ contract working alongside each other with total transparency on your personal home budget including a fixed percentage fee, or we will price exactly what you want in your personal home on your personal lot and enter into a ‘Fixed Price’ contract. Whatever direction that you feel most comfortable with is the way that we will proceed.
New Leaf Homes understands that home construction can be intimidating. We are PASSIONATE about designing and building homes. Every home we build is constructed with superior grade materials, detailed craftsmanship, and thoughtful consideration to quality, value and comfort. New Leaf Homes utilizes the latest in best practices for design and construction and is committed to building SMARTER homes. We are constantly evaluating sustainable concepts and providing choice for better energy efficiency, healthier homes, more comfortable homes and longer lasting homes. To us, that is SMART building. New Leaf Homes welcomes your participation in the construction of your personal home. We have specific client ‘Touch Point’ meetings that we would like you to participate in. A Pre-construction meeting; a Pre-sheetrock meeting; a Homeowner Orientation meeting; and a Pre-closing sign-off meeting are times that we recommend pausing together to review information and confirm that we are building in the correct direction. Any additional planned site visits to the home are encouraged.
New Leaf Homes understand that complete homes are great homes. We have a process for providing a home orientation to you the client, before we settle a closing on your personal home. The home orientation is an introduction of your home and its moving parts to you by one of our personal home builders. This is an opportunity to ask good questions about how things operate and how things should be maintained going forward. We will describe our warranty coverage on the home and walk room by room to confirm completeness of the product. Prior to a final settlement of closing, we have a process for a formal acceptance of the home and presentation of a Certificate of Occupancy. With a Certificate of Occupancy and acceptance of the home, we execute the closing of your personal home.
New Leaf Homes understands that no home is perfect. We have a process to make minor repairs and adjustments to your home after you have lived in the home for approximately 60 days. This allows doors and drawers and moving parts to react to the way that you live in the home. We also provide each client with an 11-Month walk-thru. At your request, we will enter your home at/around the 11th month from closing and address any deficiencies or defects that may be covered by your 1 year home warranty.